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Detox Therapist Certification
Chapter 1: Detox Defined
Introduction and Definitions (11:17)
Chapter 2: Toxic Culprits
The Chemical Culture & Common Contaminates (24:00)
Food Chemical Culture (10:49)
Smoking, Alcohol & Recreational Drugs (7:06)
Toxic Environment: The Subjective (14:13)
Chapter 3: Time to Detox
Intro & Toxic Environment (16:54)
Reasons to Detox (10:57)
Chapter 4: Detox Processes
Detox Process & Consistency Results (12:00)
Chapter 5: Detox Assessments
Facial Analysis (19:59)
Student Discussion & Practical (13:20)
The pH Factor (18:08)
Urine Analysis (21:54)
Detox Questionnaire (4:12)
Chapter 6: Types of Detox
Nutritional Detox (36:35)
Detox for Weight Loss (10:41)
Herbal Therapy Detox (17:07)
Nicotine, Caffeine, Drugs & Alcohol Detox (6:20)
Chapter 7: Detox Therapy
Herbal Baths (15:09)
Colon Therapy & Ion Foot Detox (16:14)
Therapeutic Massage & Naturopathic Reiki (17:16)
Metaphysics of Detox (21:37)
Chapter 8: Detox Program
Detox Care Plan (9:36)
Chapter 9: Detox Business
Detox Business (9:36)
Detox Assignment (3:00)
Metaphysics of Detox
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