Naturopathic Iridology

Iridology is a holistic health assessment tool used for reading the physical characteristics of the iris as a means of bringing attention to possible ailments, inherent weaknesses, and health concerns. Naturopathic Iridology with A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute equips the serious health care provider with the tools to assist clients in bringing balance to their mental, physical and emotional functions. Iridology, now a credible wellness genre is used internationally by thousands of naturopaths and natural health professionalsequips the serious health care provider with the tools to assist clients in bringing balance to their mental, physical and emotional functions. Iridology, now a credible wellness genre is used internationally by thousands of naturopaths and natural health professionals.

  Level 1 Training is your introduction to accessing the window to the soul!

  • Learn iridology fundamentals for yourself and family wellness.
  • Learn to access the iris for dietary stress, toxicity, mental stress and inherent weaknesses.
  • Learn to provide natural recommendations relevant to stresses in the body system.
  • Learn to use manual assessment tools and develop accurate scanning techniques.
  • Become competent in facial analysis as an added assessment tool.

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